Resident Information

Make the most out of living in Cornwall Gardens

If you have recently moved to Cornwall Gardens or have lost your key, please complete the form below:


  • The Gardens are reserved for the exclusive use of the occupiers and guests/families of Cornwall Gardens numbers 1-5 inclusive, 9-43 inclusive, 57-92 inclusive, Cornwall House and Garden House. Keys can be obtained through our Secretary or Treasurer. Please complete Key Request form here to obtain one.

  • No, unfortunately dogs and other household pets are not permitted in the Gardens.



  • Please complete our Key Request form here to obtain a new key.

Cornwall Gardens Bye-laws

Written 14th April 1971

1.     These Gardens are reserved for the exclusive use of the rated occupiers of the houses in Cornwall Gardens numbers 1-5 inclusive, 9-43 inclusive, 57-92 inclusive, Cornwall House and Garden House, the Garden Owner, and any person to whom the Garden Owner may grant a right of access, together with the families and guests of such occupiers, Owner and other persons.

2.     Keys can be obtained through the Secretary or Treasurer. Key holders are responsible for the safe custody of their keys and no key holder may transfer or lend his or her key to any unauthorised person.

3.     Users of the Gardens must shut the Gates on entering and leaving the Gardens.

4.     It is forbidden to:

a)     Climb over the gates or fences enclosing the Gardens.

b)    Bring into the Gardens any vehicles except invalid chairs, perambulators and children’s bicycles and tricycles, and such vehicles shall be confined to the paths and shall not be taken on to the lawns.

5.     Within the Gardens the following acts are prohibited:

a.     Defacing injuring or destroying any wall or fence in or enclosing the Gardens or any building seat post or any other erection or ornament.

b.     Removing, cutting or damaging any soil turf plant shrub tree or plucking any bud blossom flower leaf of any plant shrub or tree.

c.     Leaving any wastepaper litter or refuse.

d.     Lighting any fire except with the permission of the Sub-Committee.

e.     Playing any organised game or playing with knives or using any catapult airgun or other potentially dangerous object.

f.      Playing or causing to be played any musical instruments including radios record players or tape recorders.

g.     Conduct which causes any nuisance or annoyance to other persons or which interferes with their comfort and enjoyment.

6.     Children under the age of nine years shall at all times be accompanied by an adult. Parents shall at all times prevent their children from entering onto the flower beds, climbing trees, throwing stones, earth or sand, or shouting or behaving in any way contrary to Garden rules, and shall be responsible for all damage done by their children. The Garden Sub-Committee is not responsible for the safety of children.

7.     No person shall allow any dog belonging to him or her or in his charge to enter or remain in the Gardens.

8.     The Garden Sub-Committee reserve the rights:

a.     Temporarily to close the Gardens or any part thereof if it is considered desirable or necessary.

b.     To rescind, vary or add to these Bye-Laws from time to time.

9.     As provided by Section 45 of the Kensington Improvement Act 1851 any person or persons offending against any of the said Bye-Laws shall, upon proof thereof before Magistrate acting in the District of which Cornwall Gardens is situated, be liable for each Offence to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds.